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Canada’s New Caregiver Pilot Programs provide a pathway to permanent residency for caregivers who have work experience in Canada. These programs are designed to make it easier for caregivers and their families to live and work in Canada while eventually obtaining permanent residency. At Nihang Law Professional Corporation, we are dedicated to helping caregivers navigate the complexities of these programs and achieve their immigration goals.

Home Child Care Provider Pilot

Description: The Home Child Care Provider Pilot allows qualified caregivers to become permanent residents if they have at least two years of Canadian work experience in caring for children in private homes.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A job offer in Canada as a home child care provider.
  • Minimum of one year of Canadian post-secondary education or an equivalent foreign credential.
  • Meet the required language levels in English or French.
  • Ability to do the job based on your work experience and education.

Our Services: At Nihang Law, we assist you by:

  • Assessing your eligibility for the Home Child Care Provider Pilot.
  • Helping you secure a valid job offer in Canada.
  • Guiding you through the documentation process, including educational credential assessments.
  • Preparing and submitting your application for permanent residency.
  • Providing legal advice and representation throughout the process.

Home Support Worker Pilot

Description: The Home Support Worker Pilot is designed for individuals who have work experience providing support services to seniors, persons with disabilities, and others in private homes.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A job offer in Canada as a home support worker.
  • Minimum of one year of Canadian post-secondary education or an equivalent foreign credential.
  • Meet the required language levels in English or French.
  • Ability to do the job based on your work experience and education.

Our Services: Nihang Law offers comprehensive support by:

  • Evaluating your qualifications and eligibility for the Home Support Worker Pilot.
  • Assisting in obtaining a valid job offer in Canada.
  • Guiding you through the educational credential assessment process.
  • Preparing and submitting your application for permanent residency.
  • Providing continuous legal support and representation.

Why Choose Nihang Law?

Navigating the New Caregiver Pilot Programs can be complex and overwhelming. At Nihang Law Professional Corporation, we are committed to providing personalized and thorough legal services to help you succeed. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of the caregiver programs and is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards permanent residency in Canada.